Finding in a difficult situation, experiencing a crisis in a relationship or getting lost before a choice, we often look for advice: we ask friends, colleagues or the Internet. We are driven by the principle learned since childhood: why come up with what has already been invented before us. However, in solving personal issues, this principle often does not work, and tips cause irritation instead of relief. Why is this happening and how to find a solution?

When customers seek help, they often ask for advice. For example, how to get out of a relationship or how to establish them. They ask if it is worth leaving work, whether it is time to get a child, what to do to become more confident, stop being shy.

It would seem that the majority of questions are old as the world-have you have not yet come up with any general rule or a saving tablet that would help in any case? Some directly ask about this, for example: “What do you think, whether the relationship with this person has a future?»Alas, I have to upset here: neither I nor have a universal answer. “Then what can we do?“ – you ask. “Invent a bike,” I will answer.

Humanity has created so many convenient devices that facilitate life that it is already what is already inventing is a waste of time. But as for issues such as building relationships, gaining confidence, living or accepting loss, there is simply no other way out of how to invent a bike again. Yes, one that is ideal for us.

I remember in childhood we changed with a neighbor boy bicycles simply out of curiosity.

Scoateți tagliatelle cu urechile: poate. Toți bărbații se pot bucura fără a scoate prezervativul, chiar dacă este puțin mai pastile pentru potenta decât fără. Și încercarea lui de a te înclina în sex neprotejat poate fi percepută de doi. Fie ai încredere în el (și ai grijă de contracepția în sine), fie de ales respectul pentru tine și nu -ți permite să tragi „cauciuc”.

In appearance, he had the most ordinary bicycle, but as it was inconvenient: his legs barely reached the pedals, and the seat seemed too tough. It will be approximately the same if you hastily follow someone’s advice and start arranging life on someone else’s pattern: like friends, as parents were advised on TV or insisted.